Sunday, May 2, 2010

April Review

I selected this photo of a driftwood basket for something to remember about April. Technically I made this basket in March, but didn't download it to my computer until April. Zumbrota participates in an"Art Splash" in September and this is the basket photo I submitted to represent some of the baskets Vickie and I will have for sale. Baskets represent a focus for the month also. It is the birthday month for the MBWG (Minnesota Basket Weavers Guild for the uninitiated!) I did attend the April meeting and took a class from Susan Coyle. It is a double wall basket and I didn't quite get it done in class - and of course no time since then to finish!

April was a sad month since my cousin Gary, my basket weaving friend Diane and my CTMH fellow consultant all died in April. That's enough for a while! At work we had a retirement. Gregg retired after 32 years with MML. He had a retirement party at work and then the party moved to a motel party room for the rest of the evening. I think we sent him off in style. I began working on a 2 page LO of his parties in Studio J yesterday - not sure when I will get back to finishing it, but will post when it's done (and I figure out how to post it! LOL).

May is shaping up to be a busy month. Today I will be going down to Rochester for a nice little 5 mile walk for MS. This is the first time I am doing this walk and I did a really poor job of fundraising - but I can turn in donations until May 28, so if you would like to go the following to visit my personal page and make a secure, online donation
I'll provide more details about the rest of the month in my next posting. Gotta get ready to go walking!

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