Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Naked Lady Lillies

I've owned my house for around 25 years and have had a few (usually 2-3) Naked Lady Lilly flower stalks every year. They were here before I was! Well, this year these bulbs have outdone themselves - there were 13 flowerstalks. I cut one to take into work last Friday and have been meaning to photograph the remaining dozen some morning, but never any extra time! Tonight when I got home from work, I decided now was the time. I've always looked forward to seeing this plant when the snow starts melting. It is the first to make an apperance in the spring. The green leaves come up and then some time in July they all die down and it looks like nothing is left. Out of that pile of dead leaves the flowerstalks shoot up and you have about a week of great blossoms. Such fun!

As I was finishing up taking the photos, a little flying bug came into the picture. I needed to click a couple more to see if I could capture it. I don't think it was a bee, but it was sure enjoying the blossoms. I will need to print and scrap some of these as one of those moments of beauty that is around us, if we take the time to look. So, enjoy this moment of beauty.

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