Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Banner Basket Day!

Terry and Jo with completed Hit and Miss baskets Yesterday was a gray, rainy day outside but inside my shop we were having a "sunshine" day! Thirteen baskeket weavers had come to have Vickie and me help them weave this basket pattern written by Debbie Hurd. I had taken this as a class from Debbie on the basket weaving cruise in February ( let me know if you are interested in getting info about the next cruise - Feb. 2012). Along with completing the basket, it was a day of friendship, great conversations and good food! The next basket class to be held at Village House will take place during August. Let me know if you are interested in getting details when they are available.

1 comment:

  1. Loved seeing the photo. I bet the cruise was so much fun. Your basket turned out so pretty. Enjoy your Sunday,
